Our Who is at the bottom of this page. So is our Glogster.


Social Studies

S.S. is cool! This is how you get to the S.S. website, click on the picture.

This is my eassy on Carl Hayden:Carl Hayden is the Most Influential Person from Arizona.docx (14,3 kB)  My pic 4 S.S: SS Picture for website.pptx (588,3 kB)

This is my state library poster:poster.4teachers.org/view/poster.php?poster_id=432261

Our Glogster for the famous exploers: ( I'm the what):
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/a/dysartstudents.org/spreadsheet/embeddedform?formkey=dE5yeE5DbUhzQ09jNXdQMVl4NURESEE6MQ" width="760" height="1005" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading...</iframe>

My glogster on Earth Day:https://em324.edu.glogster.com/earth-day/